Java - Start with the Fundamentals (Day:1)

Before proceeding to the core concepts, it is required to understand the

  • Nature and basics of the language
  • Features
  • Applications
  • How to setup JAVA environment in a system
  • Create, compile and execute your first JAVA Program
  • Explore various Integrated Development Platforms (IDE) such as Eclipse, Net-beans etc..

Introduction to JAVA and It's features

  1. Most popular
  2. Object Oriented. Not purely Object Oriented as it provides support for Primitive Data types(int, char etc..)
  3. Java Code -> compiled to Byte Code(Machine Independent Code) -> Byte Code is run on Java Virtual Machine(JVM) regardless of the underlying architecture.
  4. Does not provide low level programming functionalities like pointers.
  5. Java codes are written in the form of classes and Objects.
  6. Mobile applications(Android is Java Based), Web applications, Desktop applications,Client Server applications
  7. Java codes are more maintainable