Java - Start with the Fundamentals (Day:1)
Before proceeding to the core concepts, it is required to understand the
- Nature and basics of the language
- Features
- Applications
- How to setup JAVA environment in a system
- Create, compile and execute your first JAVA Program
- Explore various Integrated Development Platforms (IDE) such as Eclipse, Net-beans etc..
Introduction to JAVA and It's features
- Most popular
- Object Oriented. Not purely Object Oriented as it provides support for Primitive Data types(int, char etc..)
- Java Code -> compiled to Byte Code(Machine Independent Code) -> Byte Code is run on Java Virtual Machine(JVM) regardless of the underlying architecture.
- Does not provide low level programming functionalities like pointers.
- Java codes are written in the form of classes and Objects.
- Mobile applications(Android is Java Based), Web applications, Desktop applications,Client Server applications
- Java codes are more maintainable